I took a short break this morning to clear my head and get back into this photography thing, so I headed over to the University of Guelph Arboretum and went looking for flies. It became readily apparent that not picking up a camera for 8 months was going to make it a learning process all over again! And the first lesson? Charge your flash batteries! One shot into the day and I realize my SB-800 is dead in the water. Crap… luckily my shooting buddy also uses Nikon equipment, so while he was shooting I was collecting, and vice versa. Problems solved right? Well, lesson 2 quickly became apparent; check your settings! I had switched to shooting JPEG this winter for a family function! Crap… a quick switch back to RAW format with hope those first few shots were ok and won’t need much editing (JPEG files don’t handle heavy editing well) and back to work I go.
The rest of the morning was spent finding the body control and breathing necessary for macro work, and by lunch time I was feeling almost back into the swing of things! I definitely need to make the time to go out more regularly this summer, and remember, check, double check, and triple check your equipment each time you go out!