Oct 152010

Tone Mapped image of a river in Ontario Canada

Water is the driving force of all nature

– Leonardo da Vinci

I was raised on the shores of Lake Huron, and spent summer vacations on a northern Ontario lake; I have traversed amazonian rivers, and hiked along mountain streams hunting for insects. At work or at play, water has been a contributing factor in my development as a scientist and as a photographer.

A flooded forest in spring with trees and red leaves reflected in water

Besides being inspirational, water is of course the lifeblood for all living things on earth, and a major impact on all  non-living things as well. As every grade schooler can tell you, the water cycle nourishes life and sets Earth and its inhabitants apart from other planets in our galactic neighbourhood (so far).

Image of a moonlit forest with stars and clouds reflected in a calm lake in northern Ontario

Sadly, despite our utter dependence on water, humans the world over often take it for granted, resulting in devastating environmental damage. Throughout the course of the day, I’ll be sharing a few stories all relating to my travels and the impact that humans have had on the aquatic environments I’ve experienced. Consider me your river guide through a small stream of stories and photos, and I encourage you to branch out towards the deeper waters of Blog Action Day 2010 and explore the other topics being discussed around the world today. Stay tuned, MTC…

Dugout canoe traveling up a river in amazonian Ecuador

  3 Responses to “Reflections on Water – Blog Action Day 2010”

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  1. A great initiative – thanks for posting. The value of freshwater ecosystems is so often taken for granted.

    You might be interested to see our blog on freshwater biodiversity for the event, at: http://biofreshblog.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/getting-it-together-for-freshwater-ecosystems/

    Many thanks, and all the best
    Rob @ BioFresh

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